Selasa, 04 September 2012

InterestingHistrionic Personality Disorder images

Check out these histrionic personality disorder images: PRAISE ME Image by annthrop A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for histrioni

anxiety disorder association of america
anxiety disorder association of america

Check out these histrionic personality disorder images:


Image by annthrop
A mnemonic that can be used to remember the criteria for histrionic personality disorder: PRAISE ME.

P - provocative (or seductive) behavior
R - relationships, considered more intimate than they are
A - attention, must be at center of
I - influenced easily
S - speech (style) - wants to impress, lacks detail
E - emotional lability, shallowness
M - make-up - physical appearance used to draw attention to self
E - exaggerated emotions - theatrical

Anxiety Disorder Treatment Medicine photos
Anxiety Disorder Treatment Medicine photos
post traumatic stress disorder ptsd is mostly associated with soldiers ...
post traumatic stress disorder ptsd is mostly associated with soldiers ...
Ptsd Social Anxiety Disorder Pictures
Ptsd Social Anxiety Disorder Pictures
 ... and comparison to avoidant personality disorder.  Doc Retrieval
... and comparison to avoidant personality disorder. Doc Retrieval

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