by mcgeesmixtapes The schizotypal personality is described as a severe disorder in which a person has very little or no intimate relationships with
post traumatic stress disorder ptsd causes symptoms treatment and ... |
by mcgeesmixtapes
The schizotypal personality is described as a severe disorder in which a person has very little or no intimate relationships with others. They experience intense anxiety when faced with social interaction, and thus, avoid it altogether.
People with this type of personality disorder are unable to socialize with others and are perceived as possibly being unfriendly. They isolate themselves and cultivate false beliefs about how relationships develop. Their behaviours are often very strange, delivering improper responses in social situations, and fostering bizarre beliefs.
The onset of this disorder commonly starts in young adults and continues all through life. No cure exists, but can be managed with the help of psychotherapy and medications. Studies indicate that positive events during early childhood can help to decrease symptoms experienced by young people who suffer from this disorder.
What are the symptoms:
Schizotypal personalities are often people who spend most of their time alone and have very few friends, if any at all. They find themselves feeling anxious in the company of others, due to trust issues, and feel they do not belong in the main stream. They have problems similar to schizophrenia, which include:
- Strange and disordered speech - Dresses oddly - Abnormal view of the world - Believe they have the power to emotionally control others
Adolescents may exhibit signs of:
- Isolation and solitude - Extreme social anxiety - Socially delayed in relation to peer group - They are often picked on and bullied by others.
Other common symptoms include:
Schizotypal personality disorder - What Is It, Symptoms, Causes ... |
Schizotypal Personality Disorder - Causes and Diagnosis |
people with personality disorders typically experience relationship . |
possible causes of anxiety disorders include chronic illnesses ... |
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Commonly question about Understanding the Schizotypal Personality - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Why are people so judgmental?
Often, things happen that confirm my ever-growing feelings that my sh*tty life just isn t worth the pain, anymore. Sometimes, I wish I had the courage to check out.I have a severe case of social anxiety disorder. Actually, my mental illness is more complex than that at this point - I ve gotten to the point where I realize more than ever that people have their own unique "tapestry" of symptoms, and that just applying a single label to it (like "social anxiety disorder") doesn t do their condition justice. Put another way - I guess you can say that I "borrow" symptoms from several different recognized conditions; with the "bulk" of my symptoms falling under the "avoidant personality disorder" and the "schizotypal personality disorder" umbrellas. These disorders involve an excruciating sensitivity to the reactions of others; and for me, at least - extreme difficulty with making eye-contact with others (which often results in an odd lack of eye-contact, or extremely awkward eye-contact).
Because of this misfortune, it is extraordinarily difficult (to the point of being practically impossible) for me to do things that are very simple for the average person. Basic social things that come so easily for the average person that they can do them without even thinking, cause disabling anxiety with me. It s gotten to the point where I venture out into the world as little as possible - since it can be tormenting to have to deal with the a harsh world that isn t sensitive to or understanding of how much more difficult things are for me.
I don t have it nearly as easy as the average person - so it s a cruel situation for me to be judged by the standards of people who aren t burdened with so much anxiety. I can t be expected to interact with others with as much social ease as the average person - but it s as though people assume that everyone "should" be outgoing, and not have any social awkwardness. Because I am unable to meet these unforgiving social expectations - I am looked at with contempt, suspicion, and harsh judgment. I (and others like me) become less "human" - more like an object to be derided, disregarded, or gawked at. As soon as people pick up on my so-called "weakness" or "weirdness" - they often treat me with less respect, which bothers me tremendously. I mean, why should I or any other unfortunate soul be treated as 3rd-rate just because we have burdens the average person doesn t have to bear?
Don t get me wrong - I m not exactly Rain Man (at least not yet). Depending on how "basic" the situation is, I m capable of putting up a decent front - my troubles aren t necessarily front and center for everyone to see. I often put a lot of pressure on myself to try to keep my anxiety as hidden as possible - because people are so insensitive and ignorant. But because my anxiety/social awkwardness is so severe, there are inevitable cracks in my facade. Perhaps this explains some of the harsh reactions - people can t reconcile how my formal poise can suddenly deteriorate into social awkwardness. This disjointed demeanor just reflects the fierce internal battle I m waging with myself.
I feel trapped - because it is a terrible burden for people to judge me not quite realizing all that I am dealing with - yet, I feel that I cannot share my struggles with people, because of the stigma that mental disorders carry. It would be nice if I could just share my troubles and gain empathy and understanding - but that is not the world we live in. People are far too judgmental for that. It s h*ll.
Why can t people be less judgmental and more understanding?
well, if you are an atheist then WATCH the F--- OUT because this answer will make you angry. If you believe in (a) God, then you will probably take the answer a lot easier.
OK, in the Universe there is God. And God has power over everything. One of his creations (us) seems to have it in for all the other creations. (This is where Satan comes in). So when Adam/Eve were in the Garden of Eden God gave them a lil test. He told them that they could eat of any tree but one. Sly old Satan knew that mankind was to make God angry, so he set up Eve. He found the fruit of that tree (NO WHERE in the Bible does it say it was an apple tree. That is a fabrication) & tricked Eve into examining it. She ate it. And she saw herself naked (before that, she was innocent and did not know naked or clothed), and went to Adam. She tricked Adam inot eating that fruit also. And he saw himself naked, and Eve, and then God asked of Adam a few things. He lied. God was p---ed off! Badly.
So Adam & Eve went about sinning (which is the absence of humility before God) by doing whatever they wanted rather than living free from Sin. In God s holy presence, they started acting stupid.
And so today, several thousand/ten-thousand or million whatever years later, we are still acting stupid. Still judging others. Still not taking in God s words and doing the right thing.
And on and on.
But the time of the great judgement, when all have sinned (which is everyone) or acted wicked (a lesser portion), will clean up the mess that was made.
And no man knows the ultimate outcome, but God will restore the Order the way it was before that first sin came into the world. And the name of that sin? Knowledge. And the result of that sin? All the bad things such as avarice, deceit, betrayal, disloyalty, etc. The Catholics refer to 7 deadly sins, "Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony." All I know is, there is no sin in God. And God did not create sin. But our separation from Him exposes are free will as in.
Except God and Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior. The harm that other people bring upon you, with their stupid ways, will not matter any more. Freedom comes with a price though. Don t think that you can receive a gift and not expect to give a little back. Start with the source below and continue reading the website.
Source(s): s and hypochondriasis...?
My one friend suffers from a few mental illnesses (ocd, bipolar, schizotypal personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, depression, etc...) Anyway, she does have an immense fear of diseases, she s always at hospitals and doctor s offices cause she think she has everything under the sun and she does get really bad panic attacks when she thinks she has something, plus her intrusive thoughts are really bothersome. But, she told me that at the same time she exaggerates her symptoms (she does actually get physical/mental symptoms), but she just has a tendency to exaggerate them and make them more than they are. She says she likes the attention she gets and sometimes she ll almost "brag" about all her mental disabilities so people will feel sorry for her. She said if she thinks about having a horrible disease, she almost likes it cause of the attention she ll get. Then she gets really scared & anxious and worried why she feels that way. Then she s scared it will* 24 minutes ago
* - 3 days left to answer.
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20 minutes ago
actually happen, so then she has to do her rituals to undo the thoughts or whatever. She believes she gets messages and signs from the tv and things that people say. She thinks that everyone is out to get her. She has an immense fear of HIV and is worried that the universe is setting up situations so she contracts it, especially since she has these munchausen like symptoms. And she s not sexually active AT ALL. She doesn t do drugs, had no blood transfusions or anything. I feel really bad for her. She goes to therapy, and they want her on meds, but she s scared of what the side effects will do to her. Is there anything I can do to help her? Can someone have munchausen and be a hypochondriac at the same time? Thanks!
0 seconds ago
Also, she did get diagnosed with an actual physical illness. It s called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. At the same time, she also likes feeling sorry for herself. It s almost like she likes suffering. I just don t understand.
You need to research the best mental health facility in your state and get her to somehow agree to go in patient until they convince her to get on meds or she will continue to get psychologically worse. If she gets worse, she can be dangerous to herself or others, especially if she really does think she s receiving messages from media sources, etc... I m no professional, but I do have a schizophrenic sister who is also ocd and it was pure hell trying to get her some help. She was delivering secret messages (so she thought) from Pres Bush and the CIA. ....and I thought Munchausens was basically the same thing as a hypochondriac.
Ulitimately if she doesn t want the help you are going to have a hard time convincing her to get help. But with Munchausens I would assume that she wouldn t mind actually getting help? cuz it would confirm that she really is as sick as she thinks she is??? All I can say is good luck, but don t let yourself get sucked in without assistance, it can and will take a toll on you. You have to be able to maintain your sanity while dealing with her insanity.
Been there done that.Is it possible to have munchausen syndrome and be a hypochondriac?
My one friend suffers from a few mental illnesses (ocd, bipolar, schizotypal personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, depression, etc...) Anyway, she does have an immense fear of diseases, she s always at hospitals and doctor s offices cause she think she has everything under the sun and she does get really bad panic attacks when she thinks she has something, plus her intrusive thoughts are really bothersome. But, she told me that at the same time she exaggerates her symptoms (she does actually get physical/mental symptoms), but she just has a tendency to exaggerate them and make them more than they are. She says she likes the attention she gets and sometimes she ll almost "brag" about all her mental disabilities so people will feel sorry for her. She said if she thinks about having a horrible disease, she almost likes it cause of the attention she ll get. Then she gets really scared & anxious and worried why she feels that way. Then she s scared it will* 24 minutes ago
* - 3 days left to answer.
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20 minutes ago
actually happen, so then she has to do her rituals to undo the thoughts or whatever. She believes she gets messages and signs from the tv and things that people say. She thinks that everyone is out to get her. She has an immense fear of HIV and is worried that the universe is setting up situations so she contracts it, especially since she has these munchausen like symptoms. And she s not sexually active AT ALL. She doesn t do drugs, had no blood transfusions or anything. I feel really bad for her. She goes to therapy, and they want her on meds, but she s scared of what the side effects will do to her. Is there anything I can do to help her? Can someone have munchausen and be a hypochondriac at the same time? Thanks!
0 seconds ago
Also, she did get diagnosed with an actual physical illness. It s called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. At the same time, she also likes feeling sorry for herself. It s almost like she likes suffering. I just don t understand.
The Munchhausen syndrome is a psychological illness but it s a fake illness.. it does not exist only in the persons head..
Munchausen syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which those affected fake disease, illness, or psychological trauma in order to draw attention or sympathy to themselves. It is in a class of disorders known as factitious disorders which involve "illnesses" whose symptoms are either self-induced or falsified by the patient. It is also sometimes known as hospital addiction syndrome
If she really has all the other diseases then she is a very ill person mentally but she may fake that.. if she really suffers from Bi-polar, OCd, schizophrenia and anxiety.. these are mental disorders.. but is she faking them or does she have them????Obviously she has an illness which is real.. but she likes the attention of others and makes it appear worse than it is.. that part is looking for sympathy she actually wants pity..most really sick people play down their illness .. they hate pity.. they want compassion and understanding but not pity and they rarely complain.. they still get on with their lives.. she also seems to have real phobias about all kinds of illnesses she might get.. she is obsessed with the idea.. she could one day get really sick and she doesn t fake that fear. that part is a real phobia.. that she doesn t pretend.. the attention seeking .. that is pretend play.. because she likes people around her who feel sorry for her and she would probably not be physically ill at all if she wasn t so sorry for herself.. that drags her down but to her it also gives her a boost to appear all helpless and in need of attention and to appear really weak and everyone worrying and running to fulfill her every wish. that is a sickness.. that and the severe phobia about illnesses she doesn t have.. for that she should get psychiatric treatment.... to start and have a normal life which she could but she is the one who prevents herself from having one.. because she feels great in the role of the poor sick girl... a really ill person they don t show it they try to suppress it... and they don t want pity... so she needs help from a specialist... Yes doctors give meds for everything. if they don t know the solution.. they give medication.. and doctors are still not miracle workers. that is why often for depession and anxiety medication is the only answer.. because the treatment they give otherwise is not very helpful.. so medication could help her.. she should try it... she should ask questions what the medication is for. and everything she wants to know the doctor has to explain to her... xxx
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