Minggu, 09 September 2012

InterestingAnxiety And Depression images

Signs And Symptoms Of An Anxiety Disorder
Signs And Symptoms Of An Anxiety Disorder

A few nice anxiety and depression images I found:

HRB338 Ayurveda 013 Anxiety Depression Iatrogenic Illness Mistreatment Vata Tibetan Medicine Veda

Image by Ayurvedic-Medicine

This is the 13th of 131 (1.5 to 3 minutes long Ayur-Ved video clips) of a 4 hour long seminar.

ayurvedic.blip.tv - Excellent Quality Full Length Ayur-Vedic Documentary
vimeo.com/ayurveda - Full Length Ayur-Vedic Documentary
www.archive.org/details/ayurveda_institute - Full Length Ayur-Veda Documentaries
www.flickr.com/photos/ayurvedic - Short Ayurved Vid-Clips
www.youtube.com/user/AyurvedicMedicine - 9 minute Indo-Tibetan Medicine Video Clips

www.archive.org/HRB338_Ayurveda_Anxiety_00_Panic_Tibetan_... - Full original quality downloadable MP3 Audio compatible with iPod - iPhone. 2 files of 2 hours long each.

www.archive.org/HRB338_Ayurveda_Anxiety_01_Panic_Tibetan_... - Full original quality downloadable Video MPEG-2 DVD-quality files.

For a whole catalog of Ayurveda College Courses, please visit:


To enroll as an Apprenticeship Intern Student, please see Ayurveda-TCM.com/videos

To join the mailing list for enrolled Ayurvedic Apprenticeship Intern Students:
Provides regular mailings for class schedules and latest updates to our Ayur-ved - Tibetan - Chinese Medicine Mobile Learning websites

From our Buddhist College of Ayurveda in California, Berkeley www.Ayurveda-America.com we offer you:

In this free (Creative Commons license) Anxiety Disorder Complementary Medicine Treatment class, there are a total of one hundred and thirty one (131) one and a half (1.5) to three minutes long video clips (3.5 hours worth) on Ayurvedic Medicine.

Please visit Medicine Buddha Healing Center's Wikipedia Ayurveda Article on "Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Anxiety Disorder" at:

Please download our full length MPEG-2 DVD videos on this "Healing Anxiety" class at:


There are also sample case studies of MP3 audio recordings of Ayurvedic Consultations with Anxiety and Depression patients available on:



HRB338 is an In-Depth Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine Study (Diagnosis and Treatment) of Anxiety Disorder and Mental Illnesses (Unmad in Ayurvedic Sanskrit), along with examination of related Vata Anxiety Disorders, Pitta Anger Violence Mania, Suicidal Tendencies (Suicide), Kapha Sadness Depression and Melancholy. Comparison - Contrast of Anxiety Depression classical Diagnosis (Assessment), Etiology (Causes), Pathology (Disease Process - Progress) and Treatment (Therapies) in both Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M. or Traditional Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture) and Ayurveda - both styles Indo-Tibetan Buddhist and Hindu Ayurveda with along with Tibetan Medicine (Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine - T.A.M.).

Continuing Education Course Title is:

"One-Earth Therapeutics - Kaya Chikitsa - Integrated Ayurvedic-Chinese-Western Remedies for Anxiety (Atattvabhinivesha), Panic, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD), Obsessive Compulsive (OCD) and Depression according to 200 B.C. Charaka Samhita - Level I"

Course Codes are: HRB338, HRB538, HRB638, HRB738

These Hi-Def HDTV videos and the MP3 audio files are the first in a 1.5 trimester unit (22.5 class hours long) series of lectures aimed and comparing, contrasting and synthesizing Anxiety Diagnosis and Anxiety Treatment in both the 2500 year old Chinese Medicine (Zhong Yi or TCM) with the 2500 year old Indian Ayurveda and 1300 year old Tibetan Ayurveda systems (TAM). The goal of this lecture program is to assist the student in seeing and understanding their vast commonalities in both theory (concepts) and practice (clinic) of ancient Indo-Sino-Tibetan psychological - psychiatric therapies in order to learn integrated practice modalities.

This rarely presented synthesis of the healing wisdom of these three great cultures (China, India and Tibet) will not only compare-contrast the theoretical and practical aspects of psychology - psychiatry within the framework of these two time-honored healing systems, but more importantly, will examine in detail the clinical practice aspects of manic - depressive bi-polar treatment - both herbal connections (Indian, Tibetan and Chinese herbs and minerals) and acupressure (Marmas in Ayurvedic Sanskrit) with acupuncture in the Chinese system.

We examine the mind and mental illness from the perspective of the Ayurvedic three doshas (Tridosha - Vata-Pitta-Kapha) and look at their relationship to major concepts in Chinese Medicine that are often spoken of by acupuncturists to their patients. Some of these relationship comparisons include:

1. Vata Dosha (Space and Air - Wind, Cold, Qi Prana in Ayurvedic Sanskrit),

2. Pitta Dosha (Fire and Water - Spleen Qi Jathar Agni in Sanskrit, Heat, Damp-Heat, Blood Rakta Dhatu in Sanskrit, and Yang),

3. Kapha Dosha (Water and Earth - Phlegm-Mucous Ama in Sanskrit, Damp-Cold, Jing Qi Ojas in Sanskrit and Yin).

Commentary on and Lectures from the ancients texts of Indo-Sino-Tibetan Medicine: Chinese Classic of the Yellow Emperor - Huang Di Nei Jing (200 B.C.), Shang Han Lun (150 A.D. traditional Chinese Shang Hn Ln), Divine Farmers Materia Medica (150 A.D. The Divine Farmer's Herb-Root Classic (traditional Chinese Shnnng bencao jing) with Charaka of Patanjali (200 B.C.), Sushruta of Nagarjuna (200 A.D.), Astanga Hridayam of Vagbhata (700 A.D.) and the "Four Tibetan Medical Tantras" (800 A.D. "rGyud - bzhi" in Tibetan, pronounced "Ju Shee" - "Si-Bu-Yi-Dian in Mandarin - in Sanskrit it is called the "Amrta-hrdaya-astanga-guhyopadesa-tantra" or Amrita Hridaya Astanga Guhyopadesha Tantra)

Be sure you ALSO watch - listen to all of the Introduction to Ayurvedic lectures (usually 30 minute long for each video or audio) found at:







Ayurvedic Nutritional Background on Ayurved Dietary Therapies for Mental Disorders:














Technical Introduction to Chinese Medicine Comparison with Ayurved:




If not, you will miss out on the foundation explanations of vata, pitta and kapha.

This class is a basic level yet detailed introduction to diseases of the mind and spirit (Ayurvedic Psychology) focusing on diagnosis of Prakruti (genetic constitution of vata-pitta-kapha) and Vikruti (imbalance of three doshas of vata-space-air-movement, pitta-fire-water-metabolism, kapha-water-earth-phlegm-fat).

Indo - Tibetan medicine - enshrined in the classic medical text called Rgyud bzi which was originally composed in Sanskrit and still available in Tibetan - is a veritable treasure of centuries of accumulated experience with rational fundamentals and scientifically analyzable therapeutic measures meant for the preservation and promotion of positive health, and prevention and cure of obstinate and otherwise incurable diseases.

Five Element Herbal and Food Therapies for Anxiety - from the Himalayan wisdom of Tibet, India, China, and Nepal - Ayurvedic-College.com - Ayurveda-Institute.com Distance Learning: Ayurvedic Medicine system of Nalanda University Tradition (based on Nagarjuna - see below) of Buddhism of Tibet and India; Herbal medicine with vata herbal remedies from Indo-Tibetan Ayur-Veda.

Lectured on January 25, 2009 at the Medicine Buddha Healing Center (Ayurveda-Oakland.com) and their Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute by an anonymous American Buddhist Monk (D.Ayur, Ph.D) of the Nagarjuna Nalanda Tradition of Indian - Chinese - Tibetan Buddhism - Nalanda University Buddhist Studies Program Distance Learning - Nalanda-University.com. This American Monk studied with renowned Ayurvedic physician Dr. Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S., M.A.Sc. for a six-year 1800-hour 1900-patient Ayurveda apprenticeship. This American Monk has served over 5600 patients over the last 11 years.

For affordable donation-only extensive Buddhist Ayurveda Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Distance Learning Program Certification, call Medicine Buddha Healing Center at 510-292-6696.

Our Bio Blurb:

Medicine Buddha Healing Center's School of Ayurvedic Medicine:

Ayurvedic Healing Arts Institute

www.Ayurveda-America.com - Our iPod MP3 and Streaming HDTV Video Ayurvedic Studies Program (Distance Learning)

www.Ayurveda-School.net or www.Ayurveda-California.com - Our California based College of Ayurveda (In-Person Internship)

www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.com or www.Ayurveda-Francisco.com - Our affordable Ayurvedic Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Clinic (Sliding Scale available)

Call us at (1) 510-292-6696 - from 10 AM to 10 PM seven day a week (Pacific Standard Time).

An In-Person Clinic Apprenticeship School and a
Distance Learning College of Buddhist Ayurveda in California Berkeley:

Become a Certified Practitioner of East Indian Ayurvedic and Tibetan Ayurveda herbal and dietary therapies.

The non-profit Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute (part of the Medicine Buddha Healing Center) offers affordable yet comprehensive distance learning (online correspondence course with regular phone support) and in-person apprenticeship formats leading to specialized Indian and Tibetan Ayur-Vedic Herbal Certifications and Ayur-Veda Diplomas.

Taught by highly experienced degreed faculty clinicians and scholars. Our main teacher has served over 5600 patients since 1996, 1900 patients with Dr. Vasant Lad during his formal six-year, 1800 hour clinical apprenticeship.

The most comprehensive Clinical multimedia audio and HDTV video-based Ayurvedic distance learning program on the Planet.

MP3 recordings of over 1000 Patient Consultations for Clinical Experience. Searchable database of photographs of tongue diagnosis and iPod compatible audio files of our main Ayurvedic Practitioner's client visits.

The Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute is currently the only educational program in the world to offer such an extensive collection of organized Ayurvedic clinical research of patient case studies (over 1500 hours worth of consultation audio recordings).

Both Classroom-based and Online Internet e-Learning Distance Clinical Specialist Apprenticeship in Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine of Himalayan India, Tibet, Nepal and China.

A Non-Profit 501(c)3 Association for free sharing of the wisdom and compassion Ayurveda Dharma teachings of Nagarjuna:

Offered free by an anonymous Buddhist Monk of the Nalanda Tradition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet Himalayas

Enrolled Students of our Mobile e-Learning Programs can visit the Student Only website.

See us at www.Bhaisajya-Guru.com

(At both our School and Ayurvedic Medicine Clinics, No one is ever turned away due to lack of funds)

Also visit our Ayurveda Dharma Encyclopedia (Wikipedia-style) and Ayur-Vedic Video Blog at: correspondencecourse.ayurveda-distancelearning.com

Visit our own Ayurvedic College's Video Home Page:
The Best Launch Place to see the Guide to our Ayurvedic Medicine Video Documentaries on YouTube.com, Vimeo.com, Blip.TV, Flickr.com and Archive.org:


Visit our full length feature Ayurvedic Documentary Film website with over one hundred full 30 minutes long Indo-Tibetan Ayurveda Medicine videos offered freely under Creative Commons license at:


Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States: www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us. All of our video and audio materials are offered this Commonly Creative way. Our electronic Ayurveda Textbooks and other Ayurvedic Herbal Databases are offered via: GNU Free Documentation License (FDL) at correspondencecourse.ayurveda-distancelearning.com/wiki/G...

Ayurvedic Healing Arts Institute:

Theory Classes - Videos on Ayurved Therapies and Theory.
Best Quality Downloadable Videos: 2 GB MPEG-2 file per 30 minute Ayurveda Movie:


Best Quality Streaming Ayurved Flash Videos: 500 MB file per 7.5 minute Ayurveda Video:

Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel at:


Be sure to click on "watch in high quality" under the lower right hand of the YouTube Video Player:

Other Good Quality Streaming Ayurvedic Medicine Videos are hosted by us on:



Medicine Buddha Healing Center Clinic:

Over 100 MP3 iPod compatible Patient Consultation visits for specific disease treatment using Buddhist Ayurveda:


Thank you.

Related video about InterestingAnxiety And Depression images

How to embed video into Google Sites

How to embed video into Google Sites This video by David Toccafondi will walk you through the process of embedding a video file into Google Sites penn librarieswic pennwic InterestingAnxiety And Depression images

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