This is a very personal, very revealing video about myself. This is something I rarely share but in the course of my journey I f
Multiple Personality Disorder revealed Part One |
This is a very personal, very revealing video about myself. This is something I rarely share but in the course of my journey I feel it is necessary to actually put myself out there. I have MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder. It does not hinder me in anyway. If you have any questions regarding this, if you feel you may have MPD or have been recently diagnosed, or you think someone you know and love may have MPD, please feel free to send me a private message and I will answer them the best I can. I am not a license therapist and the advise I give should be taken as my own personal experience.
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... if they are entirely different things multiple personality disorder |
Split Personality Disorder |
... night, claim she is suffering from a multiple personality disorder |
description of multiple personality disorder, explaining some of the ... |
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Related video about Multiple Personality Disorder revealed Part One
Multiple Personality Disorder revealed Part One
Multiple Personality Disorder revealed Part One This is a very personal very revealing video about myself This is something I rarely share but in the course of my journey I feel it is Multiple Personality Disorder revealed Part One
Commonly question about Multiple Personality Disorder revealed Part One
Multiple Personality Disorder?
Ok, this might be quite long. (sorry).I literally have 2 personalites. It s been happening ever since I could remember, maybe started when i was 4 or 5. It s like a voice in my head but a whole lot stronger. It s like I rely on this voice for everything.
This voice calls itself Cedric and it s obviously a boy. He s there every single day and I can t get rid of him even if i try to. Plus, he s completely different from me. I m quiet and shy and need to know people before I can talk to them properly. And Cedric is the exact opposite.
Me and Cedric both seem to have the same past though. I have a lot of symptons of sexual abuse and vaguely remember my Uncle standing naked over me when I was around 3/4. I struggle with eating disorders, rarely self harm, and black out moments.
Cedric was sexually abused when he was younger and he says that he wants to help me. It s like he comes into my mind and says I cut myself. So you should too. Then it s like I physically become Cedric and I do hurt myself, without even wanting to. Then at night, I become Cedric again and it s like I have his mind. Since he was sexually abused at night, he makes me feel like I have to stay awake at night in case someone comes in and hurts me. And sometimes, it actually feels like somebody s on top of me?
Cedric also says stuff like, we ve been through the same stuff. I turn to alcahol for relief, so you should too. And then he ll take over my body again and I ll do whatever I can to get alcahol. Then, he ll get super angry because someone s hurt him again and he ll say Stop letting them hurt us. Why don t we just take part? And then for a while, I ll start to be incredibly sexually innaproriate. I ll do things like start kissing guys even though I don t know them, let them take advantage of me, and be revealing to my body. But it s not really me doing it, it s Cedric.
Another scary thing, is that the more Cedric gets hurt, the more he wants to hurt. So once again, I ll become Cedric and he ll make me do innapropriate things to make guys take advantage of me. But I really don t want it to happen?
Cedric makes me feel scared and like he s living my life, but at the same time, he knows how to comfort me and make me feel safe. It s pretty frightening and it feels like I m not living my life :\
Mia, the things you have described your granddad acting like, in other questions as well, suggests that he is a child sexual abuser, and if he feels you up each time he hugs you, then he is one.
It could also be that he did abuse you more, and you simply should tell someone who will help you report him and deal with this appropriately. If he is doing this to you all, then he may have also done it to the parent you have that he raised. That parent may not know what to do, but you still have to find an adult worthy of trust that will help you, and keep trying until you do.
You could call the department of social services and ask them what to do about it, and they will investigate.
You could call the police and ask them.
You could tell your doctor and ask them.
You don t soud as well in this question as you did not to long ago, so i don t know what is happening with you.
You should see a doctor and let them know what is happening , just like you have stated here.
They will find some kind of help for you.
That Cedric tells you to hurt/cut yourself and to find alcohol, means that he is NOT your friend, and I question whether he is even part of you , or something else , regardless tell him to leave and do not answer him and do not do what he says .
He cannot bring comfort and then tell you to hurt yourself, that is not a friend.
I think this would be frightening for anyone, and that is why you must find adults that are worthy of trust.
I really think you should call social services (ASK for the number ) and tell them about your granddads behavior and your memory, and also what doctors can help you.
Tell them what you have said here .
Or look in the yellow pages under womens shelters , rape crisis , and ask them to help you make a plan on what to do.
x2 questions about Fight Club?
WARNING HUGE SPOILERS!Now don t think that I have a problem with the movie. I don t think these are plotholes. I think I simply missed something and I wanna know what I missed
1. In the scene in the car just before the car crash, we see Tyler driving and the Narrator in the front passenger seat. Since we know that they are the same person, we know that the Narrator must be driving, with no-one in the passenger seat. However, during the conversation between the two of them, the crew members in the back seat seem to be reacting to the questions that the Narrator is asking Tyler by repeating "The first rule of...", and the Narrator keeps telling them to shut up, which they do. If the crew members only see the Narrator driving, with nobody in the passenger seat, how is it that they are taking part in a conversation that is not even happening, except for in the Narrator s mind?
2. Right before the twist is revealed, the bartender tells the Narrator that he thinks he is Tyler Durden. The Narrator goes to his hotel room to call Marla asking if they had sex (apparently aware that he has split personality disorder), but then he sees Tyler and asks why people think that Tyler is him and seems convinced that Tyler is spreading some sort of a rumor, before it s officially revealed that The narrator has multiple personality disorder.
1. He is actually saying both sides of the conversation, the entire conversation is happening (not just in his head) the passengers would see it as a person talking to themselves. Same way they saw him punching himself in the face during the first "fight club", he still has the interactions they are not in his head it s just that he "sees" Tyler as talking to him when he is talking to himself. Hope that makes it more clear. They are responding to the narrator when they answer because he is speaking aloud.
2. Not sure why you think this is a plot hole, he is confused in this scene. People are calling him Tyler and he is doubting his reality because he was getting flashbacks earlier of things he should not have (things he thought were dreams like having sex with marla) . He refuses to believe that he could be Tyler and so he accuses Tyler of saying He (the narrator) is Tyler, he is basically in denial when confronting his split personality. Which of course would be a common first reaction to realizing you had a split personality.
Hope that helped.
Edit - They have all seen him punch himself in the face, he fights "tyler" regularly at Fight Club. I do not think they are aware of the spilt personality at all I think they think he is some kind of insane genius. Someone with the balls to kick the sh*t out of himself until he is bloody and to take down the major credit card companies all the while making soap. That s awesome and so f-ed at the same time, I d like him too.
Psychopathy and Sociopathy Redefined?
Webster s definition of psychopath:": a mentally ill or unstable person; especially : a person affected with antisocial personality disorder"
The definition for antisocial personality disorder really only eludes to the aspect of psychopathy consisting of a lack of empathy towards others which is only a basic and incomplete definition.
Webster s definition for sociopath:
: a sociopathic individual: psychopath
Are you kidding me? "sociopathic individual?" No **** a sociopathic individual and then they decide to defer the actual definition to that of the psychopaths definition which is still incomplete.
Okay; so lets establish some ground rules before discussing Dr. Hare s checklist. If you do even a little research, books publications you come across lots of material that claims to be enlightening in the way of clarifying the true s and falses of psychopathy and sociopathy. But none I ve encountered so far are near to being correct.
Anti-personality disorder: First and foremost someone with this disorder is a person. The disorder doesn t choose who to manifest from. There is no selective personality traits that can reveal if someone is prone to anti-personality disorder or not. (There is some statistical data that suggests that men are more prone to APD than women but I ll address this later) That isn t to say that the disorder doesn t have profound effects on their existing personality. A person with APD can be smart, stupid, charming, violent etc. just like everyone else.
What makes a person with APD different is a disorder of the brain which essentially causes someone not to receive emotional feedback from another person when that feedback is negative such as pain or sadness. (APD is actually a poor term for the actual problem which consist of a serious of neurological misfirings that I don t even pretend to understand in any level of detail.) This is the key to determining APD, various tests have confirmed that diagnosed psychopaths experience alternate brain wave functions and stimulation than the rest of us. More detailed facts can be seen in the studies themselves These factors suggest that psychopathy is a matter of nature as opposed to nurture (or course environmental conditions always play their part) which makes sense if you consider all of the people that have been involved in traumatic events that AREN T psychopaths or sociopaths or people with APD.
The reason for all the confusion over psychopathy is that "experts" tend to focus on all of the bi-products of this physiological dysfunction. (Most of the time they don t even know exactly which disorder they are referring to!) Obviously there are going to be some huge differences in a persons behavior if they are a psychopath vs if they are not, but how this dysfunction plays out depends entirely on what the person is like to begin with. Obviously if they were prone to violence and aggression to begin with a lack of empathy and receptiveness towards others is going to have a predictable result. Likewise an intelligent person may be enabled to become increasingly manipulative and self serving etc. And of course multiple factors in personality are affected. But the effects of APD on people s actions varies and like regular personalities they are complex and not easily understood. However the true scientific reason for APD, the root cause for psychopathy and sociopathy is there and while it is no step towards a cure or an answer it at least gives us a definition and a visible cause for what s happening to these people.
Before delving into the true sensible definitions for psychopathy and sociopathy I would like to confront Robert Hare s test. The main flaw with it I ll say outright, the test was created for criminals by criminals in that it s purpose was for use in the criminal justice system exclusively and his definition for a psychopath is based only upon those psychopaths that are incarcerated which happens to be my main reason for declaring the theory that there are more male psychopaths than women false. I have no evidence to the contrary, simply for there being a lack of studies, but the narrow scope of view towards "psychopaths" has certainly brought all that has been thought true to question. This line of thought would be similar to trying to solve schizophrenia by observing the behavior traits of incarcerated schizophrenics and using that as a broad definition to the disorder.
Psychopaths and sociopaths alike have one thing in common; APD. The differences happen to be in how their personalities respond to this. Psychopaths tend to be controlled (at least most of the time) and appear stable and perfectly normal and most importantly have developed a critical ability to hide their disorder. Personalities still differ from psychopath to psychopath but the field is narrowed. A sociopath lacks this ability to fake human interactions or he may simply be less skilled at it, landing him in trouble much more often to th
Robert Hare s goal is to tie together all of the following so that they all have the same meaning: malignant/pathological narcissism, psychopathy, sociopathy and antisocial personality disorder.
So far, his statements on what differs between these are their etiologies. Whether it be genetic, undersocialization, or a genetic predisposition brought out by being undersocialized. He s fighting politics when it comes to including the diagnosis of psychopath because it s a common consensus among psychiatrists that it cannot be treated, which is politically incorrect regardless of its actual truth. There actually is an assessment tool out there that psychological abstracts indicate to be accurate in measuring psychopathy of non-institutionalized persons. It is written that the degree of psychopathy and machiavellianism are positively correlated. It s called the MACH-IV. The link below is to the psychological abstract on the subject.
Hope this helps ;)
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