Minggu, 23 September 2012

Banana Bana Bo Bana

Some Interesting anxiety attack relief images: Banana Bana Bo Bana Image by Boogies with Fish www.messersmith.name/wordpress/2010/05/04/banana-bana-bo

Banana-Bana-Bo-Bana  Fun Simple Sweet
Banana-Bana-Bo-Bana Fun Simple Sweet

Some Interesting anxiety attack relief images:

Banana Bana Bo Bana

Image by Boogies with Fish
Wooo hooo, I got up this morning and felt like Atlas. The world was wobbling around on my shoulders. After yesterday's near anxiety attack, I calmed down nicely with a couple of beers, a nice cheap cigar and some encouragement from my soul mate. This morning it was all back. Nobody should ever have to start a new job. People should get jobs at birth and keep them until they drop. Think of the savings in stress alone. Of course, many would die of boredom, especially the renegades who expect more from life. However it might be a neat solution to the population problem.

Rambling already and I haven't even gotten to the pictures yet.

This morning 's sunrise didn't help much: I was about as stormy and confused as the inside of my head. I took a 5mg Valium out of the bottle and put it in my pocket, determined not to use it unless I felt like I was coming unglued. I made it all the way to 08:30 before chewing it for nearly instant relief. I an such  a wuss! My excuse is that I'm a recovering bipolar. That's even more lame.

Anyway, by the time that 10:00 rolled around I'd received several emails which ameliorated my self-doubt a soupcon and delivered a second blessed release of endorphins. It's 14:24 now and I'm about half way down. I think I can do this. I know  I can do this! I'm The Little Editor that Could! Hey, it's not Rocket Science.

Which, in an unfathomable way, brings me to my bananas. Of course I do absolutely nothing to grow them. Juli, our house helper, has absolute dominion over the garden. I'm allowed to walk about importantly, stroking my beard and saying things like, "Ah, yes." and "Coming along fine." while wagging my cigar around in my teeth. I call it "Playing the Planter". Here is a bunch of bananas which Juli harvested yesterday: Note that they are green, but not the green which you get from temperate zone store bananas. These are one to four days from going brown. You have to eat them quickly. They are called banana mau  or ripe bananas. They are incredibly delicious. I prefer mine after a day or so when they turn yellow. Eunie likes hers a little firmer.

These however are the gold standard of banananess: If you harvest at just the right time, you will probably be rewarded by a very few bananas which have ripened sufficiently on the stalk that their skins have split. You have mere hours to get to these. The level of flavour and aroma is indescribable. These "splits" are my favourite. Bananas in heaven must taste like this.

By the way, the title comes from the 1964 song The Name Game  written by Shirley Ellis. I remember it being all the rage. How simple life was then . . . hmmmm . . .

Switching from bananas now to something that doesn't make my tummy gurgle with hunger, let's have a look at my foolish interpretation of the week. This starfish, a Linckia multifora,  reminds me of (get ready for it now): A joyful person dressed in a cover-me-all-over pink cow suit running to the right and hollering something like "Whoop tee doo!" If I have to explain it, just move on. It's getting crazy in here.

Let's settle down now for some nice relaxing Dascylus Reticulatus: I don't know why I say relaxing. They are very nervous fish. At the slightest threat they dart down into the spiky coral and hide. You can see a Red and Black Anemonefish over on the right. Note the greenish background colour. It was impossible to take available light images at The Eel Garden.  There was a metre of cold river water on top which was loaded with algae. Everything looked very green.

This last image blows my tiny little mind. This is two flatworms doing . . . something . . . I honestly don't know what. Truly, I don't care to speculate, but what the . . . I can think of three possibilities. (1) a simple crossing of paths (3) someone is about to have lunch or (3) I don't want to say it: I'm going with the "ships passing in the night" hypothesis. If this is true, it must be an astoundingly rare occurrence. As if you could possibly care, the dark one with the solid, 24 carat gold dots is a Thysanozoon nigropapillosum  and the fancy yellowish one being wrestled to the coral is a Pseudoceros dimidiatus.

I wish I was rich and had time to indulge my dilettante fantasies. I'd research this incident until the cows come home and write a scholarly paper to submit to some club of dorky flatworm experts. It would be my fifteen minutes of fame.

I would dig that.



Image by Kalense Kid

This is one of the smallest graveyards I have visited on the First World War battlefields of the Somme. There are just two rows of tombstones like this. Many of the graveyards were originally close to front-line casualty clearing stations. Most of the bigger ones were assembled after the war from large numbers of little graveyards like this one.

Banana Bana Bo Bana  Madang - Ples Bilong Mi
Banana Bana Bo Bana Madang - Ples Bilong Mi
Banana Bana Bo Bana  Madang - Ples Bilong Mi
Banana Bana Bo Bana Madang - Ples Bilong Mi
Banana Bana Bo Bana  Madang - Ples Bilong Mi
Banana Bana Bo Bana Madang - Ples Bilong Mi
Fazer Comida: Bolo de banana com goiabada
Fazer Comida: Bolo de banana com goiabada

Related video about Banana Bana Bo Bana

banana bana bo bana

banana bana bo bana fee fi fo fana Banana Bana Bo Bana

Commonly question about Banana Bana Bo Bana

Question :

Where can i get the song The alphabet song, the one that goes " banana bana bo nana fe fi fo nana"?

Answer :
The others are right it s The Name Game by Shirley Ellis.

Stick it into your search engine and see what comes up. If you re not into buying online or can t find it (I ve had a look and it seems pretty available on cd or as a download), you should be able to pick it up in an old record shop.

The name game!

Shirley, Shirley bo Birley Bonana fanna fo Firley
Fee fy mo Mirley, Shirley!

Lincoln, Lincoln bo Bincoln Bonana fanna fo Fincoln
Fee fy mo Mincoln, Lincoln!

Come on everybody!
I say now let s play a game
I betcha I can make a rhyme out of anybody s name
The first letter of the name, I treat it like it wasn t there
But a B or an F or an M will appear
And then I say bo add a B then I say the name and Bonana fanna and a
And then I say the name again with an F very plain
and a fee fy and a mo
And then I say the name again with an M this time
and there isn t any name that I can t rhyme

Arnold, Arnold bo Barnold Bonana fanna fo Farnold
Fee fy mo Marnold Arnold!

But if the first two letters are ever the same,
I drop them both and say the name like
Bob, Bob drop the B s Bo ob
For Fred, Fred drop the F s Fo red
For Mary, Mary drop the M s Mo ary
That s the only rule that is contrary.

Okay? Now say Bo: Bo
Now Tony with a B: Bony
Then Bonana fanna fo: bonana fanna fo
Then you say the name again with an F very plain: Fony
Then a fee fy and a mo: fee fy mo
Then you say the name again with an M this time: Mony
And there isn t any name that you can t rhyme

Every body do Tony!
Pretty good, let s do Billy!
Very good, let s do Marsha!
A little trick with Nick!
The name game
Question :

Banana nana bo bana? Help!!?

Banana nana bo bana
fee fi fo..? you know how it goes.
how do you do it for the names::
dale marie

Answer :
I can t believe this song is still around....
All of the names except Dale Marie are pretty straight forward. You re going to have to use Dale or Marie but not both.

Sierra seirra soserra - banana bana boberra - fee fi fo ferra sierra.
Cory cory co-cory - banana bana bobory - fee fi fo-fory cory
cody cody cocody - banana bana bobody - fee fi fofody cody
morgan morgan momorgan - banana bana boborgan - fee fi foforgan morgan


Child of the 60 s
Question :

Banana nana bo bana?

fee fi fo..? Do you know how this goes?
Answer :
Song, "The Name Game." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Name_Ga

check out the web page...

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