Sabtu, 29 September 2012

What Are the Differences Between Alzheimer's Disease and Senile Dementia?

Senile Dementia Compared to Alzheimer s Disease"Is there a difference between (Senile) Dementia and Alzheimer s Disease?" And if so: "What are t

What is the Difference Between Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers ...
What is the Difference Between Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers ...

Senile Dementia Compared to Alzheimer's Disease

"Is there a difference between (Senile) Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease?" And if so: "What are those differences?" The symptoms of both of them look very similar.

The word "Dementia" is experienced to be less a loaded word than "Alzheimer's". So many physicians tend to prefer "dementia" in stead of "Alzheimer's".


According to Wikipedia: "Dementia a serious loss of cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired person, beyond what might be expected from normal aging. It may be static, the result of a unique global brain injury, or progressive, resulting in long-term decline due to damage or disease in the body. Although dementia is far more common in the geriatric population, it may occur in any stage of adulthood............. Into the second half of the 20th century, dementia of the elderly was called senile dementia or senility and viewed as a normal aspect of growing old rather than as being caused by any specific diseases."

Collective Noun

Dementia is a collective noun, in other words a non-specific illness syndrome (set of signs and symptoms) in which affected areas of cognition may be memory, attention, language, and problem solving.

Alzheimer's Disease: Alzheimer's Disease is the most common form of Dementia. So: Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia are two different things.

The relationship between dementia and Alzheimer's is similar to the relationship between a cow and an animal:

A cow is an animal.......But
Not all animals are cows

Alzheimer's versus Dementia:

 ... the difference between Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers disease
... the difference between Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers disease
 are the main differences between Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers ...
are the main differences between Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers ...
difference between alzheimers disease and dementia
difference between alzheimers disease and dementia
difference between Dementia and Alzheimer's. Topics:Difference between ...
difference between Dementia and Alzheimer's. Topics:Difference between ...

Related video about What Are the Differences Between Alzheimer's Disease and Senile Dementia?

Advisory Council on Alzheimers July Meeting Research Sub-Committee

Advisory Council on Alzheimers July Meeting Research Sub-Committee The Research Sub-Committee of the Advisory Council on Alzheimers met on July 23 2012 and presented their recommendations on the National What Are the Differences Between Alzheimer's Disease and Senile Dementia?

Commonly question about What Are the Differences Between Alzheimer's Disease and Senile Dementia?

Question :

What are the differences between Alzheimer s Disease and Dementia"?

What are the major differences between the two? Are the psychological symptoms different in patients depending on what they have? Please give specific details.
Thank you for responding.
Answer :
Dementia is a progressive loss of mental abilities often associated with old age, but some younger people may develop dementia in certain circumstances.

Some causes of dementia are Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (similar to mad cow disease), Vascular or Multi-Infarction Dementia (caused by lack of normal blood flow to the brain), HIV/AIDS, head injury, and Alzheimer s Disease.

Alzheimer s Disease is characterized by abnormal structures in the brain called "plaques" and "tangles." No one is 100% certain what causes the disease, but there does seem to be a hereditary component. For example, Down s Syndrome and Alzheimer s Disease often run in the same families and people with Down s Syndrome commonly develop Alzheimer s Disease in old age.

This is purely my opinion, but I think think Alzheimer s Disease is overdiagnosed. I believe many people with a diagnosis of Alzheimer s Disease may actually have other forms of dementia.

My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer s Disease shortly after being hospitalized for congestive heart failure. I think my mother really had Vascular Dementia.


20 years working in mental health
Question :

What are the symptomatic differences between Alzheimer s and dementia?

I know these two diseases have separate causes, but outwardly how do you tell them apart?
Answer :
Alzheimer s is a form of dementia, the most common form.

With dementia in general, you might observe a person repeatedly ask the same questions, becoming lost or disoriented in familiar places, be unable to follow simple directions, disorientation as to the date or time of day, not able to recognize and be confused about familiar people, having difficulty with ordinary, routine activities, neglecting personal safety, hygiene, and forgetting to eat and drink. There may be poor coordination or balance.

The symptoms of Alzheimer s disease include a loss of recent (short-term) memory, problems with language (inability to find the right word or comprehend), calculation, abstract thinking and judgment, depression, anxiety and personality changes and unpredictable quirks or behaviors. A late stage development might be delusions and hallucinations and difficulty knowing time, date, or place.

Put these symptoms side by side. Do you see differences? That s how to differentiate.


I m a nurse.
Question :

What are the differences between Alzheimer s disease & Amnesia?

And how can Dementia be related to these disorders/diseases?
Answer :
Alzheimers is a condition of unknown etiology of lesions/plaques on the brain and does include amnesia.
Amnesia, can be caused by other things like trauma or other illesses or deficiencies, even dehydration.hormone imbalances , diabetes , etc.



Nice Alcohol And Substance Abuse photos

Check out these alcohol and substance abuse images: NYC - Brooklyn - Williamsburg: Ashes to Ashes Image by wallyg Ashes to Ashes, located at the corne

 ... to cover up emotional disorders with behavior such as alcohol abuse
... to cover up emotional disorders with behavior such as alcohol abuse

Check out these alcohol and substance abuse images:

NYC - Brooklyn - Williamsburg: Ashes to Ashes

Image by wallyg
Ashes to Ashes, located at the corner of Berry Street and South 4th Street, was designed and painted by El Puente's muralistas, a group of young artists directed by El Puente Artist Joe Matunis. The mural, funded by the NY State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Service, the United Way, the NY State Council on the Arts, and the Center for Arts Education, was painted in 2000 and depicts the dangers of smoking and reveals the tobacco industrys focus on recruiting young smokers in communities of color.

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Alcohol or Substance Abuse Help Needed By An Estimated Eight Thousand ...
Alcohol Abuse Rehab  Narconon Program
Alcohol Abuse Rehab Narconon Program
Substance Abuse Treatment  Drug Addiction Rehabilitation  Mental ...
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The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings Reviews

The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings Mood swings may be a part of your life, but the struggle to control them doesnt hav

The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings by Monica ...
The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings by Monica ...

Mood swings may be a part of your life, but the struggle to control them doesnt have to dominate it. Together with the right course of medication, The Bipolar Workbook can put you back in control. Dr. Monica Ramirez Basco has assembled a versatile toolkit of proven self-help strategies designed to help you recognize the early warning signs of relapse, resist the seductive pull of manic episodes, and escape the paralysis of depression. Whether youre new to the diagnosis (and not quite sure it fits) or want to enhance your current treatment, this simple program puts you in charge. Easy-to-follow guidelines and worksheets help you identify problem areas and minimize their impact, including ways to:

*Reduce the recurrence and severity of your symptoms.

*Slow things down and get the sleep you need when mania strikes.

*Keep motivated and avoid procrastination when youre depressed.

*Fine-tune medical treatments to maximize your gains.

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The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings BIPOLAR ...
The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings ...
The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings ...
Buy The Bipolar Workbook Book by Monica Ramirez Basco (9781593851620 ...
Buy The Bipolar Workbook Book by Monica Ramirez Basco (9781593851620 ...
the bipolar workbook tools for controlling your mood swings  books
the bipolar workbook tools for controlling your mood swings books

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mooddaily demo as well as the goal of this online service mood dailyDepression Bipolar Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder quot The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings Reviews

Jumat, 28 September 2012

The Truth About Bulimia Weight Loss The Bulimia Weight Loss Myth... I thought that Bulimia was the only thing keeping me slim. I thoug

Bulimia Tips For Weight Loss
Bulimia Tips For Weight Loss The Bulimia Weight Loss Myth... I thought that Bulimia was the only thing keeping me slim. I thought that if I stopped throwing up, my weight would balloon out of control... Find out how wrong I was! Bulimia often causes you to gain weight as it makes you obsessed with food....

Click HERE to Learn the TRUTH about Weight-Loss
Click HERE to Learn the TRUTH about Weight-Loss
Bulimia 3 Weight Loss Tips For Women Under 25
Bulimia 3 Weight Loss Tips For Women Under 25
Never base your weight loss goals on the scale alone. It is a common ...
Never base your weight loss goals on the scale alone. It is a common ...

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SKINNY ANOREXIC F CKER MediocreMichael funny comedy lol rant random entertainment anorexic anorexia bulimia weight loss medication anxiety depression disorder boney bony The Truth About Bulimia Weight Loss

Commonly question about The Truth About Bulimia Weight Loss

Question :

What should I do about my girlfriend? I need help.?

My girlfriend and I have been dating for over a year, and even from the beginning she was bulimic (I didn t know) and self harming. I gave her all the support I could, showed her the dangers of throwing up and tried to help her stop cutting herself. After a while she said she had stopped throwing up and i felt a lot happier, but when she REALLY stopped I found out she had still been doing it for a while after she told me. That means she lied to me and I lost my trust in her. I found trust in her every time she seemed to stop self harming, too, but after a week, a few weeks and even a month she would do it again and the trust would be broken. One time, she even hid it from me so she wouldn t feel guilty by cutting herself somewhere I couldn t see, and i felt betrayed and like I was a horrible girlfriend.
Over the course of our relationship she has always been worried about her weight (even though she is five foot seven and weighs 140lbs which is entirely normal and not at all fat, she especially does not look fat) and she counts calories and at the worst of times she starves herself. She tells me she wants to go on water fasts and when I try to convince her not to she shouts at me and tells me that I m always miserable and that I used to be fun but the reason i act so upset all the time is because Im worried that shes doing bad things like throwing up or cutting herself and that she ll die.
Last week she started not eating and I knew it was bad. She was going on a number of weight loss and pro-anorexia-bulimia sites like she used to, and I asked her if she was throwing up and she said know. I think this is the truth because a while ago she was sick (actually ill) and saw some of her stomach lining, which worried her so she stopped. But I dont even know if I can trust her with that because her throat hurts alot and I know that is a sign of purging.
On thursday I talked to her and she said i d made her feel alot better and that she would stop being so worried about weight. This made me feel much happier and I even texted my best friend to tell them I was feeling better. It was alright on friday too, and my girlfriend seemed to be eating normally.
Last night I learned that once again, she has been lying to me. Even though I made her feel better on thursday night she began to take laxatives to lose weight, both on thursday and on friday night. I know that this is an irrational method of weight loss as it is not only dangerous but laxatives purge the large intestine, AFTER the food has already been digested...which means no weight loss whasoever apart from water loss. Which is dangerous and also bloats the perso afterwards.
I assume she was hiding it from me, like usual, and the only reason I found out was because she text me and told me shed been to the toilet and shes been having abdominal/stomach pains, and that bowel movements have been painful and diahorrea like. Apparently last night the water in the toilet bowl was red after she d been and there were peices of redness just like her stomach lining when she threw up awhile ago.
I am very worried about her and I dont know what to do.
I cannot take her lies all of the time because I feel like a worthless girlfriend and I cant trust her, and what kind of relationship is based on lies? I dont want to leave her because I know she needs help but I dont kno if I can take another year of hoping things will get better when they never seem to. Or at least they seem to but then get worse because I learn the truth instead of lies.
I love my girlfriend very much, I adore her, and she is a very nice person but what should I do? She only gets angry when I try to help and when we went to her doctor together to recommend her to another doctor to talk about self harming it was alright but I know that she probably wont go to the doctor for her weight issues/bulimia because I dont think she can see there is something wrong.

I really need help with this because I ve thought about breaking up with her but I really dont want to, I do love her and she means alot to me, I just dont know what to do because ever time I try to talk to her things just get worse.
Answer :
Eating disorders are difficult to deal with even if you are a professional. Get your gf good help -- she really needs it right now. Don t just take her to a general practitioner.....take her to a specialist if you can find one. Also, definetely look for therapists or local support groups.

I can tell you re trying but darlin u are way in over your head with this. You ve got to know this isn t something you can tackle for her. This is your girlfriend s battle....all you can do is guide her. Good luck. God Bless.

P.S. Listen to the song "Courage" by Superchick. It may help you understand your gf better.
Question :

Anorexia or bulimia, or both?

Hi, I have an eating problem, where I eat as little as possible, I ve been like it over a year this time, and lost much weight, but still feel huge. I generally eat around 200-300 calories a day, over Xmas I had to eat more as we went out for meals, but I used laxatives to rid myself of any extra weight I might put on, I came off them a little while later, as they were making my epilepsy worse because of the dehydration. I have crohn s disease, so there are many foods I cannot tolerate, and for a little while lately I ve been extra hungry, but cannot deal with it and have deliberarely eaten foods I used to like but now cannot, eg things with pickles, custard, spicy foods, as I know my bowel will be upset enough to expel it pretty soon. My bowel is already messed up through my crohn s getting out of control two years ago, and I have a colostomy, so obviously would have no accidents or having to get to the loo quickly, am I anorexic or bulimic though? I know I should care about myself more, but I m suffering with depression also, and I saw my gp about my weight problems a while ago, my gastroenterologist was also concerned with my weight loss, and I was given a mental health assessment where an eating disorder person was also, I was told I didn t have an eating disorder, and yes I told the truth, but was told it was a coping strategy for my stress, which it is, but as I m an adult I wasn t taken seriously, apparently at my age (forties) I should be grown up enough to realise what I m doing to myself, I feel worthless and unhappy, and self harm also, I don t know where to turn any more, I cannot talk to my husband, he s unapproachable at the best of times. What to do please?
Answer :
Ok first of all sorry to hear of your prob and BIIGG HUUGGGGSSS!
Lets have a look and take this step by step.
1. Laxatives. you are wasting your time taking them! Why? because by the time your food has reached the poo stage, all the calorie and nutrition has been taken in by your body, and therefore, laxative is NOT preventing you from getting fat. All laxatives will do is make your bowel LAZY. AND you are risking your epilepsy.

Your calorie intake is far too low. Now, at this point you shouldnt be asking the question "am I anorexic or bulimic? you should be asking yourself "why do I eat so little?"

Honey, I am over 40 also. I UNDERSTAND what you are going through. Self confidence has a lot to do with it. You have kinda anwsered alrready in your question. You are low and unhappy - you probably have high expectations of yourself right? you feel alone? So the self harm gives you release.
Maybe you didnt want me to answer your question.. maybe you just wanted to know if someone would be there for you?
WELLLL I am and there are other who feel the same.. so PLEASE remember you are so special and you are worth the very best in life, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! XX

Finally try and open out a little to husband - if he really loves you he will try to understand xxxx

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your Life

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your Life Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boun

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, When to Say No-To Take Control of Your ...
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, When to Say No-To Take Control of Your ...

Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. In other words, boundaries define who we are and who we are not. Boundaries impact all areas of our lives: Physical boundaries help us determine who may touch us, mental boundaries give us the freedom to have our own thoughts, emotional boundaries help us to deal with our own emotions and spiritual boundaries help us to distinguish God's will from our own.

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Boundaries: When to say YES, When to say NO, To Take Control of Your ...
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your ...
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your ...
Boundaries: When to Say Yes,How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life ...
Boundaries: When to Say Yes,How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life ...

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Commonly question about Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your Life

Question :

I lost my temper and was really harsh to my sister inlaw..but was i wrong?

My sister in law has been getting on my nerves. She interferes with my relationship and acts like that spoilt little sister. I have had enough and today when she started doing it again i snapped at her. I told her blantly how i felt and asked her to stop. I have to admit i was boiling with anger until i didnt realise that i raised my voice at her.

Anyway i think its about time she started to mind her own business and maybe look for a man and build a relationship. Then she will understand my position. All i want is a peaceful life with my spouse without interference.I do understand that relatives are important but when they start to step on your toes daily and expect you to kiss their *** is totally unacceptable. And especially when they come and do it in your house. I have been really patient with her and everytime she makes silly comments etc i bite my tongue and let it go. However i believe its time i laid down some rules and boundaries. Yes i will be friendly with her but she has to realise that i am not married to her and i am not obliged to do things with her. I can choose whether to spend my time with her or not and she simply has to be mature about it and keep herself busy doing something else. I am tired of her bitchy character and always talking behind our backs and saying nasty degrading things.

She was shocked when i lost my temper with her and now am she sure understands that respect is important and that its best to not cross the line when it comes to somebody s relationship. She went and told her family about it and now everyone is cautious with the way they act around me. Let me just say that they are very very careful now.Which is great. How else can i continue to keep her in line without offending her?
Answer :
That was out of line. You shouldn t try to scare someone elses family to make them do what you want. Get over it. You don t live with her. Deal with it and stop being such a *****. It seems like if it s offending you that much it s probably true anyway...


Experience with in laws
Question :

Reverse Racism and Sexism?

I was at a bookstore the other day and saw "Black America" playing cards and I
didn t really think about it, because there are already so many race specific
magazines and television channels.

But the more I thought about it, the more it bothered me. If there were "White
America" playing cards, that would be absolutely the most racist and
unforgivable thing in the world.
I do think African-Americans overcame a lot, because they certainly did. Black people have every right to be proud of their past.

All I am saying is that if our goal is to abolish racism, then why are we
putting up these boundaries? Yes, having BET is meant to exert African-American
Pride, but it also just exemplifies how racism still exists.

It is the same thing with women. Yes, I am a woman, and proud to be. But
sometimes I am ashamed when I see something like, "Celebrate Women Day!" Yes, I
absolutely adore being a woman, but what if there was a "Celebrate Men Day!"?
Society would find that sexist.

If a woman hits a man, it s okay. If a man hits a woman, is time to call 911.
Why? I am not promoting domestic violence at all, it s an honest question.

Don t you think in order to move towards abolishing racism and sexism, these separating boundaries need to be knocked down?

Happy Holidays everyone!
Answer :
Society is full of double standards. I think it is important for individuals to embrace who they are and also his or her heritage. Sometimes that is a way to move forward while staying true to yourself. As a Jewish woman, sure I have been stereotyped, but I don t let it bother me because I am comfortable with who I am. Any minority group is caught in this double standard, though. If BET was to disappear, then black people would lose a forum to embrace their heritage as well as current circumstances. Maybe black people would feel as if "white America" was trying to dilute them. That is why it is important for minority groups to be heard. Don t feel bad, it s not meant for you.
Question :

A chick i considered a friend is now with my baby daddy wtc!!!!?

A girl I know and have known since middle school is with my ex. We did loose contact and haven t hung out like that but still kept in touch over Facebook. Well they met off my friends list. Neither one told me they was together and he was still trying to get back with me. I told her she should have came to me women to women and said something to me that I would have respected that more, her answer was well I m not hiding it, its on my wall....I don t be looking at peoples walls like that. She just keeps saying oh I m sorry, I didn t mean for it to happen and I love him and if you love him still then you should be glad he s with a good women. And that she wasn t going to do it at 1st but love has no bou daries and can t help who you love. For one, it should have never gotten to that point, for two when I asked her, she s knows what he is to me she reply with yeah he s your sons dad, for three they ve only known each other online, how do you know if he s so good to you he s 2 hours away!!!! & four she knew what we had together & if she was any kind of friend she should have crossed that boundary. Yes I need to vent something awful!!!! Am I wrong to be hurt, upset, peed off!? My heart sank into my stomach when I stumbled upon this. Idk....I told her I never imagine someone I Considered a friend would do this to me cause I wouldn t. That it was f d up. I held my cool pretty well I m proud of me on that part. But I m my mind I see myself throwing some bows lmbo!!!! Life throws some crazy things at ya man....
Answer :
No baby daddy is worth that kind of turmoil.

Eating Disorder Treatment

by Rega Photography An eating disorder can prove to be fatal if left untreated. It is so important for someone with an eating disorder to receive tr

 ... Previously Coped With an Anxiety Disorder  Eating Disorders Treatment
... Previously Coped With an Anxiety Disorder Eating Disorders Treatment

by Rega Photography

An eating disorder can prove to be fatal if left untreated. It is so important for someone with an eating disorder to receive treatment. There are several ways in which someone can receive eating disorder treatment. Thousands of people who have suffered from an eating disorder have recovered with the help of eating disorder treatment. Recovery is a process that one must go through in order to become healthy again.

Eating disorder treatment will look into many different areas of an eating disorder. When an individual receives eating disorder treatment that individual will find out what caused or triggered their eating disorder to start. This is one of the most important phases of eating disorder treatment. For a person to recover from an eating disorder one has to know the underlying causes.

There are several eating disorder treatment options that one can choose from. The Internet is a plethora of information on eating disorder treatment programs. Before you start to look into eating disorder treatment programs you may want to find out more information on eating disorders, the symptoms of eating disorders and what types of sources provide eating disorder treatment.

If you feel that you may have an eating disorder you want to start receiving treatment right away. Eating disorder treatment is the path to a new life and a new life. The benefits of eating disorder treatment include a healthier lifestyle, a positive body image, an increase in self-esteem and happiness. Eating disorder treatment leads to a brighter future.

If an individual does not receive eating disorder treatment then the consequences can be severe. An eating disorder, depending on the type, can cause damage to a person's vital organs. Plus if an eating disorder reaches a critical stage a person can die from their body shutting down. Eating disorder treatment can prevent an individual from having to suffer from the consequences and negative cycle of an eating disorder.

Types of eating disorder treatment include receiving therapy or going to meetings with an eating disorder support group. Other resources where one can receive eating disorder treatment include staying at a treatment center that helps individuals who suffer from an eating disorder or joining an online community.

These are just a few venues in which a person can receive eating disorder treatment. You should learn more about eating disorders, the causes of eating disorders, signs and symptoms and ways to receive eating disorder treatment. Eating disorder treatment is the road to a happier and healthier life.

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Commonly question about Eating Disorder Treatment

Question :

How does eating disorder treatment work?

I am going to start seeing an eating disorder specialist next week and eventually do a partial hospitalization program possibly. How hard is it to recover from anorexia or an eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS)? Does the therapy really help? What exactly happens in treatment that helps? Do they make you force yourself to eat?
Answer :
Yes, eating disorder treament does work!
I used to be bulimic, but I had to go through treatment... it REALLY helped. But you have to get in the right mindset, you know? You need to want to get better.

They don t force you to eat. They explore why you aren t eating, and encourage you to find other ways to deal with stress.
And um no, they don t "guilt" you.


Best of luck!
Question :

What is the best insurance that covers eating disorder treatment?

What insurance is the best to cover all forms of treatment for an eating disorder. My family would like me to go to residential for my bulimia it is out of control right now. Is their any good insurance that also doesn t just cover Pennsylvania?
Answer :
You ve got a pre-existing condition.
You won t find any insurance company that will take you.
Unless you pay over $1,000 a month just for you.

Just eat, and stop putting your family through all this agony.
Question :

What is the weight you need to be for eating disorder treatment?

it probably has to do with height so let s say like 5 3 ish? i m not anorexic or bulimic and never would be i m just curious because my friend has an eating disorder and i wanted to know how low of a weight she would have to be for treatment? thank youu
Answer :
You can hav the disorder and not be a certain weight they could still hav it even thoughthey could weigh slot in some dissorders there might not b weight change at all

Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms

by marsmet544 How do you know if you re a binge eater? Here are some of the most common binge eating disorder symptoms that you should know about:1.

Dr. Cher Reif - Binge Eating Disorders
Dr. Cher Reif - Binge Eating Disorders

by marsmet544

How do you know if you're a binge eater? Here are some of the most common binge eating disorder symptoms that you should know about:

1. If you're a binge eater you eat a very large amount of food in a space of 2-3 hours at least twice a week. Some experts say that this has to go on for 6 months before you can be classified as a binge eater.

2. Binging is an uncontrollable act of overeating. If you can't control how much you eat and how fast, you can be a binger.

3. Binging is usually done as a result of some sort of emotional problem such as stress, loneliness, anger, and so on.This is why binge eating is in fact emotional eating.

4. Binge eaters aren't happy with what they're doing. They have a food addiction and they are extremely unhappy with it. Usually, they feel much worse emotionally after they binge than they do before.

5. Binging is usually done fast. You don't take your time with your food when on a binge.

 ... binge eating disorder. These three have their own different symptoms
... binge eating disorder. These three have their own different symptoms
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Eating Disorders - Pictures -
Binge Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder  Symptoms and Causes  Boncherry Blog
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD Part 1 Symptoms Treatment Anxiety Mental Personality Illness Hi this is a 4-Part Video so please be sure to watch all four parts In this video I share with you helpful information on how to overcome and Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms

Commonly question about Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms

Question :

What are the signs/symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder?

How common is this eating disorder? Do you think it is good that it is now included as an official eating disorder diagnosis?
Answer :
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is when someone:

Binge eats (eats an objectively excessive amount of food) twice a week or more (in other words, it has become a regular occurrence)
Has been behaving in this way for a period of three months or more (so it has become a sustained problem)
Experiences a feeling of loss of control during the binges. Some many people describe going into a feeling of trance when they binge eat. Or even though they know they should stop, they just cant seem to until they have reached a point of being really uncomfortable, or even in pain, or they have simply used up all their food.
Often feels self disgust and shame about the problem.

It is often bound up with emotional and other problems, and can make a sufferers life a misery.

find out more at

(Marie - If someone vomits as well then they are suffering from Bulimia)

BED is a LOT more complicated than just regularly eating too much, and hopefully having it recognised in the psychiatric diagnostic manual DSMV will mean that people who suffer from this dreadful problem can get the proper psychiatric / psychological help needed for recovery.


Question :

What are the symptoms of binge eating disorder?

Symptoms? thanks!
Answer :
eating past the point of full
eating and throwing up
eating in amounts you know are excessive
eating in spurts not eating for 2 days and then eating for a whole day straight.
You can gather more information online as well by professionals if you have concern

Best wishes.
Question :

Do I have a binge eating disorder?

I researched binge eating disorder symptoms online, and a lot of them applied to me (almost all of them)
i eat obsessivly when im full and im scared of eating infront of other people I gain weight instead of looseing weight and i am OBSESSED with how I look I am 14 years old (5 7 and 120lbs). Its kinda like bulimia but I do not throw up..
Answer :
You don t throw up, so for now, you do not. You do have self esteem issues that you need to work out. Just remeber that your creator thinks that you are the most beautiful person ever! Also, the moment you compare yourself to another person, you will feel ugly. Find something you like about yourself and learn to show off that trait. Smile more often and speak positively to yourself. Good luck!

Kamis, 27 September 2012

Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Without a Face, a portrait of the Soul

A few nice depression help online images I found: Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Without a Face, a portrait of the Soul Im

Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Fallin ...
Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Fallin ...

A few nice depression help online images I found:

Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Without a Face, a portrait of the Soul

Image by familymwr
Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Without a Face, a portrait of the Soul

Photo By: SGT Pablo Piedra

To learn more about the annual U.S. Army Photography Competition, visit us online at

U.S. Army Arts and Crafts History

After World War I the reductions to the Army left the United States with a small force. The War Department faced monumental challenges in preparing for World War II. One of those challenges was soldier morale. Recreational activities for off duty time would be important. The arts and crafts program informally evolved to augment the needs of the War Department.
On January 9, 1941, the Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson, appointed Frederick H. Osborn, a prominent U.S. businessman and philanthropist, Chairman of the War Department Committee on Education, Recreation and Community Service.
In 1940 and 1941, the United States involvement in World War II was more of sympathy and anticipation than of action. However, many different types of institutions were looking for ways to help the war effort. The Museum of Modern Art in New York was one of these institutions. In April, 1941, the Museum announced a poster competition, Posters for National Defense. The directors stated The Museum feels that in a time of national emergency the artists of a country are as important an asset as men skilled in other fields, and that the nations first-rate talent should be utilized by the government for its official design work... Discussions have been held with officials of the Army and the Treasury who have expressed remarkable enthusiasm...
In May 1941, the Museum exhibited Britain at War, a show selected by Sir Kenneth Clark, director of the National Gallery in London. The Prize-Winning Defense Posters were exhibited in July through September concurrently with Britain at War. The enormous overnight growth of the military force meant mobilization type construction at every camp. Construction was fast; facilities were not fancy; rather drab and depressing.
In 1941, the Fort Custer Army Illustrators, while on strenuous war games maneuvers in Tennessee, documented the exercise The Bulletin of the Museum of Modern Art, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Feb. 1942), described their work. Results were astonishingly good; they showed serious devotion the purpose of depicting the Army scene with unvarnished realism and a remarkable ability to capture this scene from the soldiers viewpoint. Civilian amateur and professional artists had been transformed into soldier-artists. Reality and straightforward documentation had supplanted (replaced) the old romantic glorification and false dramatization of war and the slick suavity (charm) of commercial drawing.

In August of last year, Fort Custer Army Illustrators held an exhibition, the first of its kind in the new Army, at the Camp Service Club. Soldiers who saw the exhibition, many of whom had never been inside an art gallery, enjoyed it thoroughly. Civilian visitors, too, came and admired. The work of the group showed them a new aspect of the Army; there were many phases of Army life they had never seen or heard of before. Newspapers made much of it and, most important, the Army approved. Army officials saw that it was not only authentic material, but that here was a source of enlivenment (vitalization) to the Army and a vivid medium for conveying the Armys purposes and processes to civilians and soldiers.
Brigadier General Frederick H. Osborn and War Department leaders were concerned because few soldiers were using the off duty recreation areas that were available. Army commanders recognized that efficiency is directly correlated with morale, and that morale is largely determined from the manner in which an individual spends his own free time. Army morale enhancement through positive off duty recreation programs is critical in combat staging areas.
To encourage soldier use of programs, the facilities drab and uninviting environment had to be improved. A program utilizing talented artists and craftsmen to decorate day rooms, mess halls, recreation halls and other places of general assembly was established by the Facilities Section of Special Services. The purpose was to provide an environment that would reflect the military tradition, accomplishments and the high standard of army life. The fact that this work was to be done by the men themselves had the added benefit of contributing to the esprit de corps (teamwork, or group spirit) of the unit.
The plan was first tested in October of 1941, at Camp Davis, North Carolina. A studio workshop was set up and a group of soldier artists were placed on special duty to design and decorate the facilities. Additionally, evening recreation art classes were scheduled three times a week. A second test was established at Fort Belvoir, Virginia a month later. The success of these programs lead to more installations requesting the program.
After Pearl Harbor was bombed, the Museum of Modern Art appointed Mr. James Soby, to the position of Director of the Armed Service Program on January 15, 1942. The subsequent program became a combination of occupational therapy, exhibitions and morale-sustaining activities.
Through the efforts of Mr. Soby, the museum program included; a display of Fort Custer Army Illustrators work from February through April 5, 1942. The museum also included the work of soldier-photographers in this exhibit. On May 6, 1942, Mr. Soby opened an art sale of works donated by museum members. The sale was to raise funds for the Soldier Art Program of Special Services Division. The bulk of these proceeds were to be used to provide facilities and materials for soldier artists in Army camps throughout the country.
Members of the Museum had responded with paintings, sculptures, watercolors, gouaches, drawings, etchings and lithographs. Hundreds of works were received, including oils by Winslow Homer, Orozco, John Kane, Speicher, Eilshemius, de Chirico; watercolors by Burchfield and Dufy; drawings by Augustus John, Forain and Berman, and prints by Cezanne, Lautrec, Matisse and Bellows. The War Department plan using soldier-artists to decorate and improve buildings and grounds worked. Many artists who had been drafted into the Army volunteered to paint murals in waiting rooms and clubs, to decorate dayrooms, and to landscape grounds. For each artist at work there were a thousand troops who watched. These bystanders clamored to participate, and classes in drawing, painting, sculpture and photography were offered. Larger working space and more instructors were required to meet the growing demand. Civilian art instructors and local communities helped to meet this cultural need, by providing volunteer instruction and facilities.
Some proceeds from the Modern Museum of Art sale were used to print 25,000 booklets called Interior Design and Soldier Art. The booklet showed examples of soldier-artist murals that decorated places of general assembly. It was a guide to organizing, planning and executing the soldier-artist program. The balance of the art sale proceeds were used to purchase the initial arts and crafts furnishings for 350 Army installations in the USA.
In November, 1942, General Somervell directed that a group of artists be selected and dispatched to active theaters to paint war scenes with the stipulation that soldier artists would not paint in lieu of military duties.
Aileen Osborn Webb, sister of Brigadier General Frederick H. Osborn, launched the American Crafts Council in 1943. She was an early champion of the Army program.
While soldiers were participating in fixed facilities in the USA, many troops were being shipped overseas to Europe and the Pacific (1942-1945). They had long periods of idleness and waiting in staging areas. At that time the wounded were lying in hospitals, both on land and in ships at sea. The War Department and Red Cross responded by purchasing kits of arts and crafts tools and supplies to distribute to these restless personnel. A variety of small Handicraft Kits were distributed free of charge. Leathercraft, celluloid etching, knotting and braiding, metal tooling, drawing and clay modeling are examples of the types of kits sent.
In January, 1944, the Interior Design Soldier Artist program was more appropriately named the Arts and Crafts Section of Special Services. The mission was to fulfill the natural human desire to create, provide opportunities for self-expression, serve old skills and develop new ones, and assist the entire recreation program through construction work, publicity, and decoration.
The National Army Art Contest was planned for the late fall of 1944. In June of 1945, the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., for the first time in its history opened its facilities for the exhibition of the soldier art and photography submitted to this contest. The Infantry Journal, Inc. printed a small paperback booklet containing 215 photographs of pictures exhibited in the National Gallery of Art.
In August of 1944, the Museum of Modern Art, Armed Forces Program, organized an art center for veterans. Abby Rockefeller, in particular, had a strong interest in this project. Soldiers were invited to sketch, paint, or model under the guidance of skilled artists and craftsmen. Victor dAmico, who was in charge of the Museums Education Department, was quoted in Russell Lynes book, Good Old Modern: An Intimate Portrait of the Museum of Modern Art. I asked one fellow why he had taken up art and he said, Well, I just came back from destroying everything. I made up my mind that if I ever got out of the Army and out of the war I was never going to destroy another thing in my life, and I decided that art was the thing that I would do. Another man said to dAmico, Art is like a good nights sleep. You come away refreshed and at peace.
In late October, 1944, an Arts and Crafts Branch of Special Services Division, Headquarters, European Theater of Operations was established. A versatile program of handcrafts flourished among the Army occupation troops.
The increased interest in crafts, rather than fine arts, at this time lead to a new name for the program: The Handicrafts Branch.
In 1945, the War Department published a new manual, Soldier Handicrafts, to help implement this new emphasis. The manual contained instructions for setting up crafts facilities, selecting as well as improvising tools and equipment, and basic information on a variety of arts and crafts.
As the Army moved from a combat to a peacetime role, the majority of crafts shops in the United States were equipped with woodworking power machinery for construction of furnishings and objects for personal living. Based on this new trend, in 1946 the program was again renamed, this time as Manual Arts.
At the same time, overseas programs were now employing local artists and craftsmen to operate the crafts facilities and instruct in a variety of arts and crafts. These highly skilled, indigenous instructors helped to stimulate the soldiers interest in the respective native cultures and artifacts. Thousands of troops overseas were encouraged to record their experiences on film. These photographs provided an invaluable means of communication between troops and their families back home.
When the war ended, the Navy had a firm of architects and draftsmen on contract to design ships. Since there was no longer a need for more ships, they were given a new assignment: To develop a series of instructional guides for arts and crafts. These were called Hobby Manuals. The Army was impressed with the quality of the Navy manuals and had them reprinted and adopted for use by Army troops. By 1948, the arts and crafts practiced throughout the Army were so varied and diverse that the program was renamed Hobby Shops. The first Interservice Photography Contest was held in 1948. Each service is eligible to send two years of their winning entries forward for the bi-annual interservice contest. In 1949, the first All Army Crafts Contest was also held. Once again, it was clear that the program title, Hobby Shops was misleading and overlapped into other forms of recreation.
In January, 1951, the program was designated as The Army Crafts Program. The program was recognized as an essential Army recreation activity along with sports, libraries, service clubs, soldier shows and soldier music. In the official statement of mission, professional leadership was emphasized to insure a balanced, progressive schedule of arts and crafts would be conducted in well-equipped, attractive facilities on all Army installations.
The program was now defined in terms of a Basic Seven Program which included: drawing and painting; ceramics and sculpture; metal work; leathercrafts; model building; photography and woodworking. These programs were to be conducted regularly in facilities known as the multiple-type crafts shop. For functional reasons, these facilities were divided into three separate technical areas for woodworking, photography and the arts and crafts.
During the Korean Conflict, the Army Crafts program utilized the personnel and shops in Japan to train soldiers to instruct crafts in Korea.
The mid-1950s saw more soldiers with cars and the need to repair their vehicles was recognized at Fort Carson, Colorado, by the craft director. Soldiers familiar with crafts shops knew that they had tools and so automotive crafts were established. By 1958, the Engineers published an Official Design Guide on Crafts Shops and Auto Crafts Shops. In 1959, the first All Army Art Contest was held. Once more, the Army Crafts Program responded to the needs of soldiers.
In the 1960s, the war in Vietnam was a new challenge for the Army Crafts Program. The program had three levels of support; fixed facilities, mobile trailers designed as portable photo labs, and once again a Kit Program. The kit program originated at Headquarters, Department of Army, and it proved to be very popular with soldiers.
Tom Turner, today a well-known studio potter, was a soldier at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina in the 1960s. In the December 1990 / January 1991 American Crafts magazine, Turner, who had been a graduate student in art school when he was drafted, said the program was a godsend.
The Army Artist Program was re-initiated in cooperation with the Office of Military History to document the war in Vietnam. Soldier-artists were identified and teams were formed to draw and paint the events of this combat. Exhibitions of these soldier-artist works were produced and toured throughout the USA.
In 1970, the original name of the program, Arts and Crafts, was restored. In 1971, the Arts and Crafts/Skills Development Program was established for budget presentations and construction projects.
After the Vietnam demobilization, a new emphasis was placed on service to families and children of soldiers. To meet this new challenge in an environment of funding constraints the arts and crafts program began charging fees for classes. More part-time personnel were used to teach formal classes. Additionally, a need for more technical-vocational skills training for military personnel was met by close coordination with Army Education Programs. Army arts and crafts directors worked with soldiers during Project Transition to develop soldier skills for new careers in the public sector.
The main challenge in the 1980s and 90s was, and is, to become self-sustaining. Directors have been forced to find more ways to generate increased revenue to help defray the loss of appropriated funds and to cover the non-appropriated funds expenses of the program. Programs have added and increased emphasis on services such as, picture framing, gallery sales, engraving and trophy sales, etc... New programs such as multi-media computer graphics appeal to customers of the 1990s.
The Gulf War presented the Army with some familiar challenges such as personnel off duty time in staging areas. Department of Army volunteer civilian recreation specialists were sent to Saudi Arabia in January, 1991, to organize recreation programs. Arts and crafts supplies were sent to the theater. An Army Humor Cartoon Contest was conducted for the soldiers in the Gulf, and arts and crafts programs were set up to meet soldier interests.
The increased operations tempo of the 90s Army has once again placed emphasis on meeting the recreation needs of deployed soldiers. Arts and crafts activities and a variety of programs are assets commanders must have to meet the deployment challenges of these very different scenarios.
The Army arts and crafts program, no matter what it has been titled, has made some unique contributions for the military and our society in general. Army arts and crafts does not fit the narrow definition of drawing and painting or making ceramics, but the much larger sense of arts and crafts. It is painting and drawing. It also encompasses:
* all forms of design. (fabric, clothes, household appliances, dishes, vases, houses, automobiles, landscapes, computers, copy machines, desks, industrial machines, weapon systems, air crafts, roads, etc...)
* applied technology (photography, graphics, woodworking, sculpture, metal smithing, weaving and textiles, sewing, advertising, enameling, stained glass, pottery, charts, graphs, visual aides and even formats for correspondence...)
* a way of making learning fun, practical and meaningful (through the process of designing and making an object the creator must decide which materials and techniques to use, thereby engaging in creative problem solving and discovery) skills taught have military applications.
* a way to acquire quality items and save money by doing-it-yourself (making furniture, gifts, repairing things ...).
* a way to pursue college credit, through on post classes.
* a universal and non-verbal language (a picture is worth a thousand words).
* food for the human psyche, an element of morale that allows for individual expression (freedom).
* the celebration of human spirit and excellence (our highest form of public recognition is through a dedicated monument).
* physical and mental therapy (motor skill development, stress reduction, etc...).
* an activity that promotes self-reliance and self-esteem.
* the record of mankind, and in this case, of the Army.
What would the world be like today if this generally unknown program had not existed? To quantitatively state the overall impact of this program on the world is impossible. Millions of soldier citizens have been directly and indirectly exposed to arts and crafts because this program existed. One activity, photography can provide a clue to its impact. Soldiers encouraged to take pictures, beginning with WW II, have shared those images with family and friends. Classes in How to Use a Camera to How to Develop Film and Print Pictures were instrumental in soldiers seeing the results of using quality equipment. A good camera and lens could make a big difference in the quality of the print. They bought the top of the line equipment. When they were discharged from the Army or home on leave this new equipment was showed to the family and friends. Without this encouragement and exposure to photography many would not have recorded their personal experiences or known the difference quality equipment could make. Families and friends would not have had the opportunity to see the environment their soldier was living in without these photos. Germany, Italy, Korea, Japan, Panama, etc... were far away places that most had not visited.
As the twenty first century approaches, the predictions for an arts renaissance by Megatrends 2000 seem realistic based on the Army Arts and Crafts Program practical experience. In the April 95 issue of American Demographics magazine, an article titled Generation X fully supports that this is indeed the case today. Television and computers have greatly contributed to Generation X being more interested in the visual arts and crafts.
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I Wake Up Screaming (1941) ... Should I Do It? To Women Who Struggle with Porn-Driven Sex (July 2, 2011) .....item 2..The I-Dont-Wanna-Use-Lube Blues - I dont want to depend on KY for the rest of my sex life. (October 3, 2011) ..

Image by marsmet525
The answer to the question Should I do it? is simple: No one has an obligation to another person, no matter what level of commitment in a relationship, to participate in any sexual activity that causes pain, discomfort or distress. People can discuss desires honestly and be open to sexual exploration, yet be clear about what crosses the line and is not acceptable.

.......***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ......
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img code photo ... Etching by Daniel Hopfer (c. 1470-1536) of The Lovers, from Wikimedia Commons 30...


Should I Do It? To Women Who Struggle with Porn-Driven Sex
July 2, 2011 by Robert Jensen

Usually I address my writing about pornography to men, who are the majority of the consumers of sexually explicit material. But after a recent conversation with a woman friend, I was reminded of how often women who raise concerns about the sexism of pornography are discounted as being overly sensitive, prudish or unable to see things objectively. Since Im a man, you can be assuredof course!that I am not overly sensitive or prudish, and that Im completely objective. So, if you are a woman who is struggling to get your partner to understand your concerns about pornography, I suggest you send this essay to him with a note at the top that says, Its not just women who think pornography is sexist. Then add a note at the bottom that says, You shouldnt have had to hear it from a man to take me seriously.

First, to give credit where credit is due: Everything I know about pornography I learned from women or discovered because of the feminism I learned from women. From the feminist anti-pornography movement that emerged in the 1970s and 80s, I learned to critique the system of male dominance and my own place in it. So, there is little that is original in this essay, but much that is important to keep saying.

When I present the radical feminist critique of pornography in public, I am often approached afterward by women with some version of this question:

....My husband/boyfriend/partner wants me to do fill in the blank with a sex practice that causes pain, discomfort or distress for the woman. I love him, and I want to be a good partner. Should I do it?

The it can be anything, but common requests include ejaculating on her face, anal sex, a threesome with another man or woman, rough sex or role-playing that feels inauthentic to her. Again, not all women reject those practices, but for many they are unwanted.

The answer to the question Should I do it? is simple: No one has an obligation to another person, no matter what level of commitment in a relationship, to participate in any sexual activity that causes pain, discomfort or distress. People can discuss desires honestly and be open to sexual exploration, yet be clear about what crosses the line and is not acceptable.

Because Im a man, women sometimes assume I can also provide a simple answer to their next question, Why does he want to do that to me? There is a simple, though not pleasant, answer rooted in feminism: In patriarchy, men are socialized to understand sex in the context of mens domination and womens submission. The majority of the pornography that saturates our hyper-mediated lives presents not images of just sex, but sex in the context of male dominance. And over the past two decades, as pornography has become more easily accessible online and the sexual acts in pornography have become more extreme, women increasingly report that men ask them to participate in sex acts that come directly from the conventional male-supremacist pornographic script, with little recognition by men of the potential for pain, discomfort or distress in their women partners.

The third, and most challenging, question is: Why cant he understand why I dont want that? The strength of sexual desire plays a role, but here the answer is really about the absence of empathy, the lack of an ability to imagine what another human being might be feeling. Pornography has always presented women as objectified bodies for male sexual pleasure, but each year pornography does that with more overt cruelty toward women. The gonzo genre of pornography, where the industry pushes the cultures limits with the most intense sexual degradation, encourages men to see women as vehicles for their sexual pleasure, even depicting women as eager to participate in their own degradation.

After more than two decades of work on this subject, I have no doubt of one truth about contemporary pornography: It is one way that mens capacity for empathy can be dramatically diminished.

To make this point in talks to college and community audiences, I often suggest that pornography is what the end of the world looks like. By that I dont mean that pornography is going to bring about the end of the world, nor do I mean that of all the social problems we face, pornography is the most threatening.

Instead, I mean that pornography encourages men to abandon empathy, and a world without empathy is a world without hope.

This is why pornography matters beyond its effects in our private lives. Empathy is not itself a strategy for progressive social change, but it is difficult to imagine people being motivated to work for progressive social change if they have no capacity for empathy. Politics is more than empathy, but empathy matters. Empathy is a necessary but not sufficient condition to do work that challenges the domination/subordination dynamic of existing hierarchieswork that is crucial to a just and sustainable future.

For women who want to communicate their need for sexual integrity to partners, and for men who want to transcend the pornographic imagination and empathize with their partners, the feminist critique offers a critique of male dominance and a vision of equality that can help. Instead of turning away from the unpleasant realities about how pornography is made, rather than ignoring the inhumanity of the images, rather than minimizing the effects of mens use of pornographywe should face ourselves and face the culture we are creating.

As long as we turn away from that task, the pornographers will continue to profit. We need ask what their profits cost us all.

Etching by Daniel Hopfer (c. 1470-1536) of The Lovers, from Wikimedia Commons

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Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Death ...
Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Ghost ...
Army Photography Contest - 2007 - FMWRC - Arts and Crafts - Ghost ...
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