Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Your Guide to Healthy Relationships - How Do Singles Get the Health Benefits of the Marriage Effect?

by DerrickT Statistics tell us that married people live longer than singles. A new medical study suggests that marriage also wards off the debilitat

 ... How Men Think In Relationships - Part 1 - Healthy Relationship Tips
... How Men Think In Relationships - Part 1 - Healthy Relationship Tips

by DerrickT

Statistics tell us that married people live longer than singles. A new medical study suggests that marriage also wards off the debilitating memory loss in aging.

Are singles destined for dimentia and early death? Or can singles prolong our life and mental clarity through the "Marriage Effect" without getting married? These questions were explored in a medical study and the findings were reported in the British Medical Journal.

What were the guidelines and goals of the medical study?

Medical researchers studied the health changes of a group of 1400 people from Finland, starting at age 50 and following up with them 20 years later. Their goal was to find out who was at greatest risk for Alzheimer's disease.

Their findings?

People who were widowed or divorced at midlife and remained so were at greatest risk for developing Alzheimer's disease. Being single at midlife also was a risk factor. The "Marriage Effect" lowers these risks of Alzheimer's.

What is the "Marriage Effect"?

Dr. Ranit Mishori analyzed these findings for Parade Magazine and said that the "Marriage Effect" appears not to be influenced by how much education the individuals had attained, how much physical exercise they got, or whether they otherwise had active social lives - all factors that other studies have found to be important in determining the risk of dementia.

According to Dr. Mishori, the study's authors suggest that having a partner might provide additional mental and social challenges that somehow stimulate the brain and delay the onset of dimentia.

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The Best Advice Your Mother Never Gave You was unable to give because she did not know it We do not know what we do not know so we do what we know We learn about relationships from our Your Guide to Healthy Relationships - How Do Singles Get the Health Benefits of the Marriage Effect?

Commonly question about Your Guide to Healthy Relationships - How Do Singles Get the Health Benefits of the Marriage Effect?

Question :

How do I get a PDF copy of "A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding and Maintaining Healthy Relationships"?

"A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding and Maintaining Healthy Relationships" is by Nina Atwood
Answer :
You can find that online.
Question :

Relationships Analysis! Need help please?

Hey everyone ... I am doing that relationships assignment and i am stuck with this part if you please can help me that would be great!

By taking a closer look at relationships you can often assess how healthy they are. In this activity you will examine an imaginary relationship using guiding questions. You may also want to use the same process to examine a relationship that you have.

Pick two characters from your favourite book or TV program, then reread sections of the book or watch some episodes, paying close attention to the characters relationship. Describe the relationship between the two characters by using the following questions as guides. Identify the source (what book, movie or TV show?), and the names of the characters. In a sentence or two provide some background for the relationship by telling a little about the book or TV show. Then use these questions to analyze the relationship.

1.What characteristics make this a healthy and/or unhealthy relationship?

2.Using Sternbergs Triangle Theory of Love, what type of love is demonstrated by this relationship.

3.If there are unhealthy characteristics to the relationship, what could the characters do to make their relationship healthier?
Answer :
read something like harry potter and use ron and hermione in book 4, where there s starting to be tension between them due to attraction but neither of them show it
Question :

How to be good friends with a girl and have a healthy friendship?

I am from an abusive household, hence My lack of knowledge of healthy relationships. I got out of the situation , few years back . My father was emotionally/ verybally/ violent towards me all my life and my mom followed suit. My brother , I believe, is psychotic on many levals due to his control issues.

I have had girlfriends before. I had a girlfriend in high school. Then I had another one in college, and I had one recently with whom I broke up because I finally came to realize I was attracted to the bad ones because that s what I am used to . I was used to the emotionally abusive ones because that s what I was accustomed to. Anyway, I got out of it last month and learned and grew a lot .

I made a good friend recently few weeks ago and she s like a spiritual guide to me . Helps me out a lot and I am forever greatful for her presense in my life. But I also want to make more healthy friends and I am still not confident I can do it. I wanna make positive relationships with good hearted people and I can see negativity coming from a 100 mile distance.

I don t want a relationship, I just want friendship because I never had a girl who was my friend when I was in my "good" state of mind . They were all my friends during my dark periods and I am unsure if I can do it or not.
Answer :
For a healthy relationship, always eat lots of fresh fruit, get some walking in and use a condom.

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